Fact Files
Carabiner types:
Note all item used for safety equipment must have a double action to open/close to avoid easy accidental opening, Snap Gate Carabiners only have a single operation and therefore should never be used with a Winch or Harness.
Snap Gate Carabiners
Twist lock Carabiners
Screw Gate Carabiners
Snap Hook Carabiners
Carabiners with shear pins fitted:
Good serviceable shear pins
Activated / used shear pins
Harness attachment points:
For confined space work you should always have a ‘Two Point, full body Harness’, conforming to BSEN 361. Primary fitting between the shoulder blades at the rear and front fitting on the chest. NO LETTER ‘A’ DO NOT ATTACH.
Carabiners / Harness connection
There is a right way and a wrong way to connect a carabiner to a harness, the gate of a carabiner should always face outwards, never against the body. If the gate is innermost, the top of the gate itself can get trapped on the suspension point which creates a lot of stress on the gate itself, typically damaging it and preventing its removal once the entrant is at the bottom of the chamber.
© Pete Gruncell