CS2 Medium Risk Confined Spaces Entry (1 Day)
Current price: (Inc Certificate & card) 3 delegates £585, 4 delegates £640,
5 delegates £785, 6 delegates £924, 7 delegates £1057, 8 delegates £1184,
9 delegates £1305, 10 delegates £1400
plus my travel costs & VAT
1 Day Medium Risk confined spaces training course that mirrors the content of the City & Guilds medium risk course with two exceptions. The paperwork: Risk assessment, Safe System of Work & Permit to Work are all ‘show and tell’, unless you do the two day course. You only do one practical entry, there is no separate assessment entry. This course includes: Legislation, confined spaces and classifications, gas monitors and alarm levels, fall arrest, winch, tripod, harness, Escape Breathing Apparatus (EBA), Practical & Theory assessments, it does not include Full Breathing Apparatus (Full BA)
This is a full days training running from 0800-1700 hrs, it is a pass/fail course not simply an attendance course and delegates require a good command of the English language.
Exc VAT £160 / Inc VAT £192 plus my travel costs
Above prices assume payment is made within 14 days of training, otherwise different tariffs apply
CS2 Medium Risk Confined Spaces Entry (2 Day)
2 Day CS2 with additional control measures in place
Current price: 3 delegates £980, 4 delegates £1080,5 delegates £1325,
6 delegates £1572, 7 delegates £1813, 8 delegates £2048,
9 delegates £2277, 10 delegates £2500
plus my travel costs & VAT
Price inclusive of all training certificate and card. Just add my travel from SN32BD at 65ppm and accommodation.
2 Day Medium risk confined spaces entry course. This has the same content as above but is run at a more relaxed pace which is much better suited for foreign delegates, or for people who want more detailed paperwork such as Risk Assessment, Safe System of Work (SSW), and Permit To Work (PTW)
Exc VAT£270/ Inc VAT £324 pp, includes all training and equipment, certificate and card, just add my travel costs
Above prices assume payment is made within 14 days of training, otherwise different tariffs apply

© Pete Gruncell