CITB Confined spaces in construction
CITB now have
8 short duration courses for confined spaces in construction.
This consists of 4 training courses and 4 refresher course:
- GET2372 Confined spaces in construction introduction
- GET2659 Confined spaces in construction low risk
- GET2657 Confined spaces in construction medium risk
- GET2658 Confined spaces in construction high risk
With the exception of the high risk course these are all entry level courses
- GET2942 Confined spaces in construction introduction – refresher
- GET3393 Confined spaces in construction low risk – refresher
- GET3392 Confined spaces in construction medium risk – refresher
- GET3391 Confined spaces in construction high risk – refresher
To attend a refresher course you must of first done a course at that level, i.e. someone who held a medium risk course could not do a high risk refresher course.
Pre – requisites
All course have an entry lever of 18 years or older, and all courses and refreshers last for 3 years.
Low, medium & high risk course also require that you are physically fit and weigh 136kg or less as that is the SWL of some of the equipment you will be using.
High risk you need to be clean shaven to ensure a good face fit.
All 8 courses are pass/fail courses, none are attendance courses.
Once a delegate has passed a course this will be registered with CITB so your credentials can be confirmed or checked at any time.
All training will be done in a classroom facility and our mobile training unit thereby removing all real dangers from the training. The only exception to this will be if a client requires training for bespoke site or facility, then this will only happen after the client has produced a suitable risk assessment for the training that is subsequently approved by the ATO.
All courses are in English
© Pete Gruncell