This qualification is about controlling the entry and exit into medium risk confined spaces and also the arrangements that need to be in place to keep them safe while they are there.
It includes controlling the pre-entry procedures and entry into and out of medium risk confined spaces, maintaining communications with team members who are in confined spaces, monitoring equipment readings, raising the alarm and initiating emergency arrangements

To meet the full requirements of the National Occupational Standards underpinning the qualification the assessment must take place in a medium-risk context. Therefore, centres must consult the requirements for the medium-risk assessment.
In addition to the above, all conditions pertaining to 6160-02 will apply to all personnel (see pages 9-11).
Where working with larger groups it may be necessary to rotate the roles within a group entry to ensure all candidates have the opportunity to demonstrate the necessary criteria.

Throughout the qualifications’ assessment criteria, reference is made to risk assessments which are carried out at different times whilst working on confined spaces. The following information gives clarity and guidance to centres.

Generic Risk Assessment
Generic risk assessments cover common hazards for a task or activity. A generic risk assessment will often be used for similar activities or equipment across different sites, departments or companies. It can act as a risk assessment template, covering the types of hazards and risks that are usually present for the activity.
The idea behind generic risk assessment is to cut down on duplication of effort and paperwork. This type of risk assessment will consider the hazards for an activity in a single assessment, where that activity may be carried out across different areas of the workplace or different sites.

Site-Specific Risk Assessment
A site-specific risk assessment is a risk assessment that has been completed for a specific item of work that takes account of the site-location, environment, and people doing the work.
A site-specific risk assessment will do more than look at common hazards. It will also address the unusual hazards that might only apply to that specific situation, on that particular day.
Point of Work Risk Assessment (POWRA)

A Point of Work Risk Assessment (POWRA) is a workplace risk assessment carried out prior to start of activity. It is used to identify those things, situations, processes and activities that may cause harm particularly to people. One completed POWRA form can apply to the whole team.
Dynamic Risk Assessment

A dynamic risk assessment is a process of assessing risk in an on-the-spot situation. This type of risk assessment is often used to cope with unknown risks and handling uncertainty. It might be used by the emergency services, or care workers for example, who need to deal with developing and changing situations. These types of environments need to be continually assessed. If there are significant changes, is the original risk assessment still valid? Should you try to deal with the situation? Is it safe to continue?
It is not always possible to prepare for every risk or hazard. A written risk assessment should assess the level of ‘known’ risks. Where a certain element of dynamic risk analysis is required, workers need to have the skills and awareness to recognise and deal with danger.